Recently, we had our school festival. The Thursday before the school festival, we prepared for it. I helped the English Club with their exhibition. They decided to do an exhibition of four American States. This year was a little different than last year's festival. The sports teams didn't sell food outside this year. The school decided that it wanted to focus more on exhibitions this year. The festival lasted for two days: Friday and Saturday. It was open to the public on Saturday.
Here are some students at the opening ceremony.
During the day, there was a room designated for bands. I thought this one was especially good. They sung a song by RADWIMPS which is my favorite Japanese band, so I really enjoyed it.
Every year, my favorite exhibition is always the Biology Club's. They always have lots of animals like axolotls and frogs. Last year, they had a snake. I really like axolotls because I actually have a pet one. He's really cute, and his name is Uppi. This year, they had this thing where you could catch goldfish and keep them. Apparently, it's really popular at summer festivals in Japan. You are given this paper net type thing, and you have to try to catch as many goldfish as you can with it. However, you have to be careful because the paper breaks really easily. You should only move it side to side. I caught about 5 including 2 big ones. However, I decided not to keep them because I didn't want to have to take care of them.
This year, the third year students were in charge of the food stands. There were such things as hot dogs, shaved ice, and donuts this year. They also all made a themed display to go with the food. My homeroom chose traditional Japanese and sold anko donuts.
Students walked around with signs trying to get people to buy their food. The student below was advertising her homeroom's donuts.
The second year students made exhibitions. The one below had lots of hands-on acvitities. The student below is playing with some weird substance. If you grab a handful really hard, then it would make a ball. When you opened your hands, it would become loose again and turn into liquid.
The first year students were in charge of the stairwells. They decorated them, so that you could see a design as you walked up them. The designs were all of different countries.
Also, there was a cross dressing contest. Here are two of the boys that participated in it. Recently, I was looking at high school pictures of when we had a cross dressing contest. I think Japanese boys make a lot prettier girls than American boys. It was difficult to tell that some of the Japanese boys were even really boys. In America, the contest is more just funny, but in Japan, I think they like it when the boys actually look cute. This year was also different because they had girls cross dress as well.
Below are some of the students who were walking around during the school festival. I guess that pretty much sums up most of the festival.